Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve!

Well lets ring in the new year with new goals!!! What are your goals going to be? I know what mine are going to be. It is time to be green! I am going to work on making my art green this year. What beautiful things can I make from used stuff. I am going to be thrifty and conscious of everything I buy.

Heck! Why not apply it to everything in my life. I am going to promise to make the effort and apply it to my home as well. It is time to teach my kids about saving the environment and where it needs to start (at home). What changes can I make to create an environment in which I am proud to call home? This will be my goal. I will find new things to implement into my life and I will give it a try for 21 days - this is how long it takes for something to become routine.

Hope everyone else is thinking about the things they can do to help the environment. It is the small things that matters most. A simple craft that reuses those old magazines or newspapers that we can't seem to live without helps in a small way. How about all those plastic bags you can iron those together and make a fabric or a journal cover. There is 100's of ways to reuse all that wonderful junk that would typically go to a landfill. Let's do our part and make beauty out of the beast of junk!!

I welcome 2011!!!
Peace and Love

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